Experience the Difference of Green Cleaning
Today it is important as ever to offer environmentally safe products, that produce a sparkling clean workspace, while being kind to the planet. It is safer for pets, children, and humans. We want you to know why we chose to go green.
Green Cleaning is a rapidly growing sector in the cleaning industry. Green cleaning companies use environmentally friendly ingredients and chemicals to preserve human health and environmental quality. One of the greatest benefits of green cleaning is improved indoor air quality. The average person spends 87% of their time indoors. According to Environmental Protection Agency, the air inside a typical workspace is 200%-500% more polluted than the air outside. This is due largely to toxic cleaning products.
The Benefits of Green Cleaning
Reduces exposure to airborne dust and toxic chemicals
Reduces incidence of asthma attacks caused by dust and chemical allergens
Reduces the negative environmental effects of toxic cleaning products
Why Choose Green
50% of cleaning companies in the West Coast offer Green Cleaning Services.
More than 184,000 tons of cleaning products are poured down the drain EACH YEAR NATIONWIDE. Yuk.
The average person spends 87% of their time indoors.
Clean Workspace. Clean Earth.
We ensure that our products are Green Cleaning Certified.